Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Kompan is the Danish company that our team has chosen to go with for our major playstructures for Edgerton students. We spent a lot of time hearing from representatives from companies, playing on the equipment, researching, and discussing the pro's and con's of various equipment. This equipment will look very different, but the team felt that it best serves our needs for recess activity...working on the strength, coordination and teaming skills of each child.

Below is information directly from the company, but you can get more information at: http://www.kompan.com/sw29431.asp

Roots in Design
KOMPAN’s unique approach to designing playground equipment has enriched children’s play experiences for more that 35 years. Founded by a sculptural artist and child development specialist, KOMPAN products are a blend of modern design and exceptional play value. By creating products that satisfy children’s innate need for play with aesthetics that appeal to those who purchase them, KOMPAN has become a world leader of manufactured play equipment.

KOMPAN designers understand that children have different abilities at every stage in their development. That’s why KOMPAN is constantly developing new products and have the broadest portfolio of play equipment to choose from. From exciting dynamic motion for older children to colorful thematic designs for younger children, KOMPAN’s wide variety of product designs offers creative solutions for any play environment.
Play Value
KOMPAN products are designed with a respect of children’s abilities that keeps them coming back for more. To ensure KOMPAN products are designed appropriately for each age group with the maximum play value, KOMPAN founded the KOMPAN Play Institute (KPI). The KPI is a network of child development experts who conduct play research, guide product development and educate play environment designers of the importance of quality play value and design. KOMPAN’s focus on children and the benefits of play is reflected in every product we create.
As an international supplier of playground equipment, KOMPAN products are manufactured using high quality materials and processes to withstand the harshest conditions and climates. KOMPAN’s manufacturing is certified to ISO14000 standards and KOMPAN’s environmental policy has earned the company the Green Business Award. KOMPAN’s innovative approach to design combined with our commitment to quality help ensures that KOMPAN equipment will provide a lasting benefit to every customer.
KOMPAN takes safety seriously. KOMPAN comprehensive approach to safety combines safe design and safe materials. KOMPAN understands that by minimizing risks, children will fully explore the world of play. As a self – certifying company, KOMPAN products are IPEMA certified which guarantees conformance to current ASTM standards.

The Future Of Play
The issues facing children today including epidemic obesity rates and sedentary lifestyles are putting greater importance on the development of quality play environments that deliver a variety of play experiences. By designing products that offer children appropriate, safe, and exciting challenging choices on the playground, KOMPAN will continue to lead the way for innovative play solutions. The future of play depends on providing children with experiences that will allow them to grow and develop while safely challenging them to explore the world of play. KOMPAN unique approach to play will continue to enrich the lives of children as we develop the play solutions of the future.

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